drew ferguson.tv

Video Production

Video Production



I offer video production services for both corporate and commercial projects. Whether you're looking to create an internal training video or launch an exciting new promotional video, I can help bring your vision to life.

In summary, corporate video production focuses on serving a company's internal or external communication needs, with a targeted audience and a more professional, informative tone. Commercial video production, on the other hand, aims to promote a product or service to a wider audience, with a more creative and engaging approach that captures attention and drives action.

By understanding these differences, you can better identify what type of video production suits your project's goals and objectives. No matter which path you choose, DFTV is ready to guide you through the process, ensuring the final product meets and exceeds your expectations.

Everything can be done in-house, from kit hire through to editing the final product.

Recent clients include; Hado Labo Cosmetics and Goals House for COP28.


Deep Heat

We produced 16 short, instructional videos for the Deep Heat brand to use on their Amazon page.


Hado Labo Toyko

We produced a series of short films for use on the Hado Labo socials pages, to promote some of the company's newest products.


Jorg Albertz at Ibrox 2021

Jorg Albertz's first visit back to Ibrox since he was a player.


St Roch's - Paddy's Day Celebration

Short film for a local secondary school in Glasgow, to promote their St Patrick's Day celebrations.